Let Go. Embrace Change. Become Empowered.

Sue Coates, IHC
Integrative Health Coaching

It’s Time!

Know That You Are Enough

Do you often second-guess yourself, over-think things and make your worries bigger than they are? Your life-long patterns of negative self-talk haven’t served you. It is time to feel peace.

Feel Better Now

Does worrying about the future prevent you from living in the “now”? Perhaps worrying about something from the past is keeping you stuck, preventing you from being happy in the present.

Create The Life You Deserve

Become Empowered in

Three Steps

Step 1.

Learn how to train the mind to aid in the healing of mental, emotional and physical illnesses through the Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of care.

Step 2.

Acquire techniques that will transform the way you think creating a more positive mindset and changing old behavioral patterns. It is time to discard old behaviors that haven’t served you and to improve your overall well-being.

Step 3.

Reach the ultimate goal of overall wellness by achieving balance in all areas of: The mind, body, spirit and energy. Is there an area in your life that may need attention to help you become the best version of yourself?

Sometimes the only difference between a flower and a weed is perspective...choose to see the flower that grants wishes instead of the weed.
— Mind Fuel Daily

Sue Coates, IHC

Hi, I’m Sue.

I am the mom of two young adult sons, a wife, an AADP Board Certified, Integrative Health Coach and a Holy Fire Reiki I and II Practitioner. I earned my Bachelor’s degree at The Ohio State University prior to working in the healthcare industry for 12 years. Upon the birth of our first son, I decided to stay at home to raise our family.

A life-long sufferer of depression and anxiety, I found some relief at the gym, 41 years ago. While I never stopped going to the gym, I realized I needed something more to help with the anxiety and depression. Medication helped through the years but it was not enough for me. I never gave up searching for ways to help myself. My passion of wellness grew into educating myself on the importance of proper nutrition and supplementation which eventually led me to selling Juice Plus for a period, in the early 2000’s.

I continued to learn more about the body by later becoming NASM certified in personal training. Unfortunately, soon after, my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. The challenges for me, that that diagnosis brought, left me feeling torn between caring for my mother and our two high school aged boys. That time in my life led me on what would become a life-long journey into psycho therapy. Nine years later (and counting), I have worked on my own mental health journey through therapy and graduate coursework.

In 2020, I had a life-altering, spiritual and energetic experience that was so profound, it sent me on a quest to learn more and has changed my life forever. What I have learned about spirituality and energetic healing since that amazing day has become the final missing puzzle piece that I had been searching for my entire life. I had finally reached a peace in my life that I had to know more about.

This finally led me to earn my certification in Integrative Health Coaching to fulfill a lifelong passion of helping others. Healing through the mind, body, spirit and energy is a comprehensive, holistic approach that I found incredibly helpful in order to finally find peace and tranquility in my life. I would be honored to partner with you and to share with you what has helped me.


Find Yourself Again

I understand how as a young adult, parent, or mother, especially, everyday life and responsibilities make it hard for you to prioritize your needs. You put everyone and everything ahead of yourself. You are tired, worn out and feel like you are just trying to get through one more day. In the process, you have lost the essence of who you are.

I Can Help You

Past wounds are stifling you from moving forward. Low self esteem has contributed to your people-pleasing habits only making yourself miserable in the process. You have tried things in the past that helped. For a while. But it still feels like something is missing.

Let’s Figure It Out Together

You need a coach to encourage and support you along the way. I would be honored to walk alongside of you to unpack the things that no longer serve you all the while creating new habits and knowledge to keep going once we’re done.

My Specialties:

Childhood wounds
Emotional processing
General sadness
Lifestyle-change support
Low confidence
Nutrition and exercise support and education
Phase-of-life changes
Relational boundaries
Unresolved grief